PACE has developed an online, searchable database for use by the general public. We see the benefit of this database in several ways:

  • Provide a resource for nonprofit organizations to seek consultants in specific areas of expertise
  • Provide an avenue for consultants to make their services more widely available and known to nonprofits in our region
  • Widen the pool of consultants available for use by foundations, nonprofits and intermediaries

There are Resources available for selecting and hiring consultants on the Resources link on the Directory homepage. We recommend nonprofits looking to hire consultants for the first time take advantage of these resources.

Our search function allows you to search by:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Services provided (text, not categories – for example if you are looking for someone who does Strategic Planning we suggest you simply put in “strategic” or “planning” to capture all providers)
  • Affiliations
  • Consulting firm

You can also Click on “Browse Consultants” from the top right drop down menu and narrow your selection using the selection fields on the left.



Please note that we do not endorse any consultant listed in this directory. We strongly advise you check references before hiring a consultant.

Leadership Resources


BoardSource, formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards, is the premier resource for practical information, tools and best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations worldwide. Through our highly acclaimed programs and services, BoardSource enables organizations to fulfill their missions by helping build strong and effective nonprofit boards.

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BoardStrong is a unique website dedicated to the express purpose of connecting nonprofit boards and new leaders.This site is designed to be a common technological platform for a national collaborative network of communities working locally to enhance nonprofit board governance. This growing network of Community Partners work together on common themes of populating board rooms as well as individually developing services tailored to their local market.

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E-governance – the strategic use of online tools to improve board governance – is good governance. BoardEffect® is the industry leader in providing online solutions tailored to fit the needs of mission-based organizations. BoardEffect® promotes accountability and transparency in decision-making, streamlines the administration of board work, and reduces risk by providing directors easy access to important information.

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Grant Writing / Funding Resources

The Foundation Center

This site requires a paid subscription to use its directory and claims to be the best guide to philanthropy on the world wide web.

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Grant-makers for Effective Organizations (GEO)

GEO is a diverse community of 500 grantmakers working to reshape the way philanthropy operates. Understanding that grantmakers are successful only to the extent that their grantees achieve meaningful results, GEO promotes strategies and practices that contribute to grantee success.

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Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania (GWP)

Grantmakers of Western Pennsylvania (GWP) is a professional membership association formed in 1985 by leaders who wanted to create an organized mechanism for grantmakers to learn and work together. It is a 501 (c) (3) organization serving 26 counties in western Pennsylvania. GWP does not make grants.

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The Grantsmanship Center

The Grantsmanship Center was founded in 1972 by Norton J. Kiritz to offer grantsmanship training to nonprofit and government agencies.

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The Non-Profit Guides

Non-profit guides are designed to assist established non-profit organizations and entities through the private and public grant writing process. This site takes you step by step through the grant writing process from pre-proposal to budgeting.

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Forum of Regional Associations Of Grantmakers

Philanthropy means giving to promote the common good. It can be the giving of time, money, or knowledge — as long as it improves the quality of life for society.

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Carnegie Library

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These resources are provided as a courtesy to organizations seeking assistance with grant writing, leadership, capacity-building, and other technical assistance.

We offer these links solely for information purposes and do not endorse any of the organizations, products, etc., below. We encourage visitors to perform their own searches and explore other options. These are merely suggestions.